
Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. - Malachi 3:10

Malachi challenges us to try God’s faithfulness through faithful giving of our time, talents, gifts and financial resources. At NROC Fredericksburg, we are committed to experiencing the promises of God through faithful stewardship.

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In Person
On Sunday Morning, use one of our envelopes
By Mail
PO Box 5531
Fredericksburg, VA
Text "give" to: (540) 418-1711
The Nehemiah Project

The Nehemiah Project is the building project of our sanctuary.  Stand in prayer, fasting and agreement with us as we are near completion. We greatly appreciate your donations. Every seed that you sow into New Restoration Outreach Church Nehemiah Project is used to fulfill our mission to bring people together for the purpose of praising Almighty God for His grace, mercy and wonderful works towards us; to promote unity among all believers regardless of Christian denomination, race or ethnic culture; to equip believers for service to their fellow man through a sound biblical teaching ministry; to make known the will of God to those who believe; and, to lead to Christ those who are not believers.


Making an impact in our community, city, nation and the world.


Making an impact in our community, city, nation and the world.


Making an impact in our community, city, nation and the world.

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Mobile-giving app
Give using theĀ our Church App.